
We want to make people smile. Wholesome or dumb, we hope our content can achieve this goal of us.

You can freely use the reaction pictures without credits. You can use memes without credits but don't repost on repost accs and/or don't pretend you made them.

Disclaimer: We don't own anything related to CQL/MDZS. Most non MDZS/CQL contents come from texts posts and memes, but a few are original content.

How many people are running this account?

One but two are contributing. Most of what his posted is mine, Moda's, but my wife made a few of them.

What is your main acc?

@MDZScrapbook on Twitter is my main acc.

How can you think about all those memes?

I have too much free time. My first duty as spouse is to make sure my wife has a good day. Memes is a good way to make her smile. I need a hobby. Save me.

How are you so positive?

I'm not more positive than anyone else. When I'm sad I go for memes making hunt and it makes everything better.

You're not funny.

Not a question + you're wrong. I make myself laugh a lot therefore I am funny.

Do you accept Ko-Fi?

We created a Ko-Fi as a joke. Don't give anything. It wouldn't feel right. Transformative work is good. I understand giving to artists and writers but we scrapbook from content existing. Being paid for "stolen content" doesn't sit right with me. You're welcome to send us a ko-fi if we make original stuff later. For now, like and share. That's more than enough.

Why am I blocked?

★ You're LGBTQ+phobic, no matter which version you are.
★ You made a "block me!" tweet. I block most of them.
★ You engage in harassment towards others based on ships or interests.
★ You identify as an "anti" and/or support their hateful behavior.
★ You were on an "anti" blocklist.
★ You wrote anti-JGY tweets on my tweets. That includes saying he his a 1000% evil being.
★ You are a minor in an adult space and claim adults should make adult spaces safe for you.
I am quite liberal in my use of the block button. Content-wise, I don't block. I might mute account that are very active AND tweets a lot about things I'm not interested in (ex: kpop) or dislike (ex: certains ships). If I don't reply to you, it might mean you're muted. Tag me and I will reply to you asap!